Route 2 is designed for use by procurement officers, if this does not apply to you please contact your procurement department or centre of expertise.
Route 2 is not intended to replace training and it is assumed that individuals will have been trained in EU regulations, the procurement cycle and any applicable local procurement policies, guidelines and governance arrangements.
The main objectives of the toolkit are:
In any procurement process, the key roles of budget holder and procurement officer should not be performed by the same individual. If you have any concerns regarding this please contact your procurement department.
Consideration must also be given to Planning and Risk Management throughout the Journey and records should be kept for audit purposes. It should be noted that purchases of goods and services are routinely the subject of Freedom of Information requests.
Please ensure the guidance is used in conjunction with the internal governance and procedures for your organisation. Please be aware that where the term 'commodity' is used, this can equally refer to services.
Start the Route Two Journey