Download the guidance on Supplier Assurance produced by the HEPA & EAUC Responsible Procurement Group task & finish group.
Following the session delivered by PwC in November on the financial challenges in HE and member feedback to hear more, PwC are delivering this follow up session. Come along to hear more about the current financial landscape in the HE sector.
Don’t miss out on the Scottish Universities Finance Conference which will take place on Wednesday 14 May at the TIC, University of Strathclyde.
Simon Twells from the University of Warwick and Andrea Marshall from BUFDG will facilitate round table discussions on current import/export issues that members are facing.
The Responsible Procurement Group - GHG measurement & Reporting - HESCET development sub-group is pleased to release an updated version of the Higher Education Supply Chain Emissions Tool (HESCET), updated November 2024.
Download the HEPA survey results here!