12 December 2023 Erica Conway, Chief Financial Officer
This is our 17th Quarterly. It is also the final one, as the end of this publication becomes one of the first changes (perhaps a well-deserved early retirement?) following the comprehensive BUFDG review that we’ve undertaken over the course of this year.
The review, as Amanda and Joni explain in the first article below, is all about delivering the most value that we can for members with our small team. It has highlighted that there are some things we want and need to do more of. Hence, there are things that we need to stop doing, or do less of.
We’re coming to the end of what has been an incredibly challenging year for all in the sector, and entering a holiday that’s about (in part at least) generosity. Perhaps we can use it as a reminder to also be generous to ourselves, and reflect on whether there’s anything that we can stop doing individually to free up valuable time, money, or even just energy, to make the next year that little bit more manageable and enjoyable.
Also in this edition, we have updates on the next steps for the Cost of Net-Zero project, the impact of the Procurement Bill, the BUFDG/KPMG guide to financial system implementation, the Investment Management & Practice Working Group, exciting developments in the BUFDG e-learning suite, Energy Markets over the winter, and the booking link for the 2024 Finance Festival for you and all your staff.
Download the Quarterly here. And if you don't receive it directly, but would like to, click here to subscribe. You can find past editions on the Quarterlies page of the website.