The Procurement Value Survey (PVS) and the Procurement Practice Indicators (PPIs) have been developed to provide those in English and Welsh higher education institutions with a uniform way of reporting efficiencies. Scotland have their own (similar) reporting methods to meet their own regional and Government requirements.
On this page you will find all the information you need to help you complete the survey.
The benefits methodology for 2019/20 onwards can be found here. It will help you complete tab one, efficiencies. The detail was developed to enable a single methodology to be utilised by both University Purchasing Consortia (UPC) and Higher Education institutions. It enables consistent reporting to be undertaken within HEIs, and provides the key source data for reporting of spend into each nations’ report tools.
The Procurement Practice Indicators replaced the original sector Best Practice Indicators (BPIs). The PPIs should be considered together with qualitative/narrative Key Performance Indicators that may be in place in individual higher education institutions to provide a report on the extent to which procurement is helping deliver it's strategic objectives.
In a change to previous years, no targets are given.
The impactable spend is the value of spend in your institution which it is possible for you to have influence over. The PPI document above provides a lists of items which will usually be excluded from your spend as common areas not impactable by procurement. It is important to note however, that you may not see all of these items in your reports, or there may be others areas that you feel should be included. It is your decision as the Head of Procurement to calculate the appropriate figure for your institution.
A helpful document highlighting exactly how to perform the calculation is available.
Historically the PVS, and the EMM before it, reported savings as excluding VAT. This is because savings were compared to figures taken from institutions finance systems, which, generally, were extracted from the finance system excluding VAT.
The sector changed from using a finance system extract to using operating expenditure from an institutions accounts in 2016; operating expenditure from accounts is, generally, inclusive of VAT.
Ideally savings should therefore be reported in the PVS inclusive of VAT to give an accurate comparison.
Consortia benefits statements are reported as excluding VAT, and due to the complexities involved in VAT calculations, they are not able to be reported with VAT included.
We therefore recommend that for this PVS reporting period institutions continue to report savings excluding VAT.
This means that historically savings may have been under reported as a result of VAT not being included post switch from finance system extract to operating expenditure in an institutions accounts.
PPI 3 is new this year and asks for your spend with Small to Medium Enterprises.
It is recognised that few institutions will be measuring this spend currently, and not all will be able to complete this field. It is expected that most will institutions will provide estimates this year however it is hoped that this is a metric the sector can work towards understanding and improving in the coming years.
Ways you could consider investigating your supply base and spend are:
A Glossary is available here.